Naplouse - перевод на Английский
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Naplouse - перевод на Английский

Nabulus; Flavia Neapolis; Sakhem; Nablús; Sh'khem; Naplouse; Nablous; Neapolis in Palaestina; Nablus, Palestine; August 2016 Nablus clashes; History of Nablus; Sack of Nablus (1242); Battle of Nablus (1242); Cuisine of Nablus; Arts and culture of Nablus; Demographics of Nablus; Municipal services in Nablus; Economy of Nablus; Religion in Nablus
  • Israeli occupation]] arrangements.
  • Prayer hall of [[Hanbali Mosque]]
  • [[An-Najah University]], Nablus
  • Ruins from antiquity (foreground) in a residential area in Nablus, 2008
  • Nabulsi soap stacked at Tuqan factory, Nablus
  • New clock tower at Martyrs Square in downtown Nablus
  • Young woman from Nablus, between 1867 and 1885
  • View of [[Huwwara checkpoint]] with Palestinians waiting to travel south, 2006
  • Crusader]] church to a mosque in the 13th century
  • Section of topographical map of Nablus area
  • A ''siniyyeh'' of [[Kanafeh]]
  • Nablus in the 1780s, by [[Louis-François Cassas]].
  • Manara clock tower in the Old City
  • Nablus in 1857, photo by [[Francis Frith]]
  • Traditional Nablus dress featuring brightly colored coat draped over head and shoulders
  • Nablus in 1898
  • Nablus in 1918
  • Minaret and entrance of 10th-century [[Great Mosque of Nablus]], 1908
  • Nablus from the 1871–1877 [[PEF Survey of Palestine]]
  • A street in Nablus leading to the Old City. [[Minaret]] of An-Nasr Mosque in the background
  • Alley in the Old City leading to and from the [[souk]], 2008
  • Downtown Nablus, Martyrs Square
  • H. B. Tristram]]: [ The Land of Israel: Travels in Palestine], p. 142, 1865</ref>
  • Coin minted in Nablus (Neapolis), in the name of Emperor [[Volusian]], 251-253 CE

Nablus, city located in the West Bank and under the control of the Palestinian authority (known in Hebrew as Shechem)



Nablus ( NA(H)B-ləs; Arabic: نابلس, romanized: Nābulus [ˈnæːblʊs, -lɪs] (listen); Hebrew: שכם, romanized: Šəḵem, ISO 259-3: Škem; Samaritan Hebrew: ࠔࠬࠥࠊࠝࠌ, romanized: Šăkēm; Greek: Νεάπολις, romanized: Νeápolis) is a Palestinian city in the West Bank, located approximately 49 kilometres (30 mi) north of Jerusalem, with a population of 126,132. Located between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, it is the capital of the Nablus Governorate and a commercial and cultural centre of the State of Palestine, home to An-Najah National University, one of the largest Palestinian institutions of higher learning, and the Palestine Stock Exchange. Nablus is under the administration of the Palestinian National Authority.

The city traces its modern name back to the Roman period, when it was named Flavia Neapolis by Roman emperor Vespasian in 72 CE. During the Byzantine period, conflict between the city's Samaritan and newer Christian inhabitants peaked in the Samaritan revolts that were eventually suppressed by the Byzantines by 573, which greatly dwindled the Samaritan population of the city. Following the Arab-Muslim conquest of the Levant in the 7th century, the city was given its present-day Arabic name of Nablus. After the First Crusade, the Crusaders drafted the laws of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Council of Nablus, and its Christian, Samaritan, and Muslim inhabitants prospered. The city then came under the control of the Ayyubids and the Mamluk Sultanate. Under the Ottoman Turks, who conquered the city in 1517, Nablus served as the administrative and commercial centre for the surrounding area corresponding to the modern-day northern West Bank.

After the city was captured by British forces during World War I, Nablus was incorporated into the British Mandate of Palestine in 1922. The 1948 Arab–Israeli War saw the entire West Bank, including Nablus, occupied and annexed by Transjordan. Since the 1967 Arab–Israeli War, the West Bank has been occupied by Israel; since 1995, it has been governed by the PNA as part of Area A of the West Bank. Today, the population is predominantly Muslim, with small Christian and Samaritan minorities.

Примеры употребления для Naplouse
1. Qoreï lors d‘une visite à Naplouse en Cisjordanie.
2. Le Hamas s‘efforce de son côté de rassurer les investisseurs sur la place de Naplouse.
3. Tsahal a cerné une maison de Naplouse oů se cachaient les activistes présumés.
4. Aux alentours de Naplouse (Cisjordanie), d‘autres ont attaqué des villages palestiniens et détruit des oliveraies.
5. Omar Abdelrazek, professeur déconomie ŕ Naplouse, sera quant ŕ lui le nouveau ministre des finances.